domingo, 10 de mayo de 2015

My Grandma, my inspiration

My Grandma, my inspiration.
I remember when I was a child and carefully listen to her anecdotes. She had to travel far away from home, and the fact that she was just 19 years old did not stop her from becoming her dreams true. Rio Negro had been the destination, an icy place, not only for its weather but also for its distance from the province she belonged to. A rural school had been waiting for her services, and a group of students were eager to take in what she had to teach. Not until she was there did she realize that it was not going to be an easy task. The building conditions of the school were the worst, students were in impoverish conditions, and the government's help was absent, as usual. Anyway, her strong-willed personality made her persevere, and she continued on with the task she was entrusted. Days passed by between the lessons and lunch meetings. The area used to be one of the poorest of the province, and parents did not have the means to feed their children at home. So being at school was for them the opportunity to get a decent food during the day. She was not only a teacher, but also a mother for her students. Tears flowed down her face whenever the issue came up during a conversation.

To such an extent did the passion for her profession amaze me that I decided to become a teacher as well. Being in front of a class, educating children and adolescents is the most generous profession in this world. My grandma, Zulma Hoyo dedicated her life to this bountiful vocation with love and commitment. A life full of ups and downs did not prevent her from educating many generations of children. She is the person I want to be, the teacher I wish to become and she owns the spirit I strongly desire to reach.

This blog is dedicated to my Grandma, Zulma. I thank God for still having you by my side , for the endless lessons you have taught me, and for allowing me to enjoy the same life you once lived. I love you so much my dear Grandma.


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