miércoles, 29 de julio de 2015

The habit of Reading

Reasons to start READING NOW!
    It is the complaint of many mothers the fact that their children do not want or like reading. Like me, it is the desire of all parents to have our children cultivating their imagination and developing their intelligence. Searching the web, many reasons why reading benefits people came up to be the arguments for convincing our youngest generations to start reading straightaway. If you have ever been immersed within the imaginary world of a book, you will share many of the ideas that will be presented here. And if you are in search of a strategy to persuade your child or teenage, over here you will find the precise arguments that surely will make them acquire the habit of reading.
Well-known as it may be, books are useful and enjoyable. But many scientific studies have demonstrated it is not just that simple. Among several reasons, there are five that I have personally experienced, and they have demonstrated to be feasible for many other people.   

    First, it has been proved that reading regularly increases intelligence and  expands the vocabulary. Dr. Seuss said: "The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." According the University of California, Berkeley, books for children expose kids to 50 percent more words than TV, or even a conversation between college graduates. What is more, this study also states that the exposure to new vocabulary leads to higher scores on general tests of intelligence. In this way, by reading regularly a person not only acquires new information and expands their knowledge, but they also maximize their opportunities to be successful at school and even at university.

    Second, the habit of reading boosts a person's brain power. A research published in Neurology states that by reading regularly a person improves memory function by giving the brain a good work out. Like any other muscle of our body, exercising the brain improves its functioning. With age also comes a decline in memory and brain function and the reading habit may serve as a solution to this problem by keeping minds sharper longer, according to this research. By reading a book, among other types of brain exercises, serious illnesses such as Alzheimer can be prevented and the brain keeps fit and healthy. 

    Third, another research suggests that reading may help people relax and reduce their stress levels. A cognitive neuropsychologist, David Lewis, told the magazine the Telegraph that: "It really doesn't matter what book you read, by losing yourself in a thoroughly engrossing book you can escape from the worries and stresses of everyday world and spend a while exploring the domain of the author's imagination". In this way Lewis states that reading books leads people to left the concerns of life aside for a while, and to enjoy an activity that is advantageous in many aspects. Should you ever have the opportunity to read a book, you'll be immersed in the most captivating of the alternative reality.

    Fourth, the habit of reading develops the analytical thinking skills. Some studies suggest that by analyzing a novel, for example, a person evaluates the plot, if the work is well-written, whether the characters were properly developed, if the story line ran smoothly, among other aspects. In this way, this person cultivates and improves his/her analytical ability and capacity and therefore, in case of being involved in a discussion or debate in relation to a piece of writing, s/he will be able to state a solid position and communicate opinions clearly taking into account all the aspects involved.

Last but not least, reading is a great source for taking an insight into different cultures that are unknown as well as for opening the mind up to new ways of thinking, perceiving and doing things, according to some web sites. Exploring new cultures offers the opportunity to get different perspectives of how people live, think and act. As a consequence, a person may find solutions to problems they mayn't have thought of. In this way, the mind is opened to acquire different points of view about situations that can become later alternatives to everyday problems. 

    Whenever the talk about reading comes up at lunch time, in the car, or even during family meetings, give those who haven't explore the wonderful world books these five reasons to start reading right now! It increases intelligence, keeps the brain active, reduces stress, develops analytical skills and opens up the mind to new perspectives. Five suitable and trustworthy arguments that may convince anyone about the real benefits of reading books.     


martes, 28 de julio de 2015

The Story behind BARS AND MELODY

The story behind BARS AND MELODY
    I would like to start this blog entry with a quote related to the healing power of music: "Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life" Berthold Auerbach. This may have been what moved teenager Leondre Devries to put into words and music the painful experiences he had gone through. Like many kids and teenagers from all over the world, he is a bullying victim. And the following is his story.
    Leondre Devries is a 13-year-old teenager who presented to participate in a TV show named Britain's Got Talent. This reality show is aimed at discovering new artists in the music field. Together with a friend, Charlie Lenehan, a 15-year-old boy, they formed a duet and took part of the show. They introduced themselves to the judges and Leondre narrated his torments from the past.
    In Devries own words: "I used t get jumped on by a group of boys who would wait for me, then trip me up and punch and kick me", he said in relation to the series of events he was a victim of. For over two years, he suffered from this scourge that affects thousand of kids, especially within schools. His parents did not realize about the problem their son was facing since Leondre tried to hide what was embarrassing for him by that time.  
    The phenomenon of bullying has been spread through children and teenagers inside schools. A definition of bullying says that it is "unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated or has the potential to be repeated, over time." Among many others, types of bullying may be:
  • Verbal: this type of bullying includes saying or writing mean things about someone.
  • Social: it involves hurting someone's reputation or relationships by leaving  him/her out on purpose, spreading rumors, etc.
  • Physical: it involves hurting a person's body or possessions by hitting, kicking, breaking someone's things, etc.
    Little did Leondre Devries and Charlie Lenehan imagine that their participation would generate such an impact on the audience. "We really want to help people with our music and show the positive as well as the negative" Devries remarked. It is important to highlight the possible solutions to this problem. Parents, teachers and all the community should know that an effective communication is the key to help any teenager or kid who is going through this disturbing situation. According to a web site, some tips to help them are:
  • Kids and teenagers have to understand bullying. Adults should talk about what bullying is and how to stand up to it safely. Bullying is unacceptable and students should not feel fear or embarrass.
  • Parents should be attentive to their children and have a trustworthy relationship with them. They should listen to their children, know their friends, ask about school, and understand their concerns.
  • Parents should also encourage their children to talk about their problems, so as to find possible solutions to them.
    All in all,  Leondre Devries' testimony came up to help those who suffered from bullying and to encourage them overcoming the situation. And my message for those who are bullied is to always remember that BULLYING IS UNACCEPTABLE. Do not allow anyone to hurt you or to let you down. Be brave, defend yourself and be FREE FROM BULLYING! Just like Leondre...


 Images URL:

domingo, 10 de mayo de 2015

My Grandma, my inspiration

My Grandma, my inspiration.
I remember when I was a child and carefully listen to her anecdotes. She had to travel far away from home, and the fact that she was just 19 years old did not stop her from becoming her dreams true. Rio Negro had been the destination, an icy place, not only for its weather but also for its distance from the province she belonged to. A rural school had been waiting for her services, and a group of students were eager to take in what she had to teach. Not until she was there did she realize that it was not going to be an easy task. The building conditions of the school were the worst, students were in impoverish conditions, and the government's help was absent, as usual. Anyway, her strong-willed personality made her persevere, and she continued on with the task she was entrusted. Days passed by between the lessons and lunch meetings. The area used to be one of the poorest of the province, and parents did not have the means to feed their children at home. So being at school was for them the opportunity to get a decent food during the day. She was not only a teacher, but also a mother for her students. Tears flowed down her face whenever the issue came up during a conversation.

To such an extent did the passion for her profession amaze me that I decided to become a teacher as well. Being in front of a class, educating children and adolescents is the most generous profession in this world. My grandma, Zulma Hoyo dedicated her life to this bountiful vocation with love and commitment. A life full of ups and downs did not prevent her from educating many generations of children. She is the person I want to be, the teacher I wish to become and she owns the spirit I strongly desire to reach.

This blog is dedicated to my Grandma, Zulma. I thank God for still having you by my side , for the endless lessons you have taught me, and for allowing me to enjoy the same life you once lived. I love you so much my dear Grandma.


sábado, 9 de mayo de 2015

The benefits of Yoga

YOGA: The ART of living in harmony. 

Even though yoga is widely known as a physical activity, just the ones who practise it know about its benefits at spiritual and mental levels. This millenary art is nowadays practised by an increased number of people. It consists of a series of postures, breathing techniques and meditation exercises which are aimed at uniting the body, mind and soul. The web site "The Art of Living" claims that by practising yoga people reach a state of harmony which helps them go through life calmer, happier and feeling fulfilled.  

The Art of Living talks about the benefits people get from practicing yoga. As there are many of them, I decided to include the ones I consider more interesting and worth mentioning. 
1- Weight loss: as many people seriously concern themselves with their bodies, it is important to mention the fact that by practicing yoga they can get to the weight they have always craved for. The Art of living suggests that the regular practice of yoga makes people be more sensitive about the kind of food their bodies ask for and when they need it. In this way, people have greater control over what they eat and drink and consequently they may loss weight. 
2- Stress relief: for those who live a stressful life it is a good idea to practise yoga just few minutes per day so as to get rid of stress. There are yoga postures and meditation exercises that help relax the mind and consequently remove stress. 
3- Inner peace: nowadays people are worried about their jobs, money issues, the economy, social and family pressures, among other problems, and they have no time to reflect upon their interior state. A few minutes of yoga can help people connect with their inner selves and feel at ease.
4. Improved immunity: although illnesses and diseases are directly connected to the physical state of the body, they are also connected to the state of the spirit and mind. The practice of yoga strengthen body muscles, breathing techniques and meditation release stress and consequently the body's immune system improves its proper functioning.  
5. Increased energy: people get exhausted after a long day of responsibilities. This site suggests that some meditation exercises and breathing techniques make people renew their energy and help them feel vigorous and fresh at the end of the day. Yoga offers the most complete set of exercises to reach to a harmonious state.

It is worth mentioning the fact that yoga can be practised by people from all ages. The different postures and techniques are adjusted to the age of the person and also to his/her needs. There is yoga for pregnant women, old people and even for teenagers and kids. The importance of yoga lies in the fact that it can become the solution to many problems and it is also a way out to find calmness and a healthy lifestyle. 


martes, 3 de marzo de 2015

Coping with the loss of a loved one.

Dealing with the grief caused by the loss of a loved one is not an easy task. Especially when we cannot find a good reason to explain the departure of that person. Either because they are too young, a good person or someone who has a life full of projects to fullfil, the death of a friend is not reasonably explained. Passing away at the age of 30 is something I cannot reasonably understand. 
Vanina Buttini used to be a a young woman, admirable as mother, exceptional as human being and a lovable person. I met her while studying at the IFDC six years ago and my first impression about her was that she was beautiful and charming. She trusted me in the same way I trusted her. We shaped a solid friendship and in time we spent deathless moments together. She was the mother of three beautiful kids: Tomás, Selena and Fermín. But tragically she lost her life in a car accident. Family and friends were emotionally ruined. Sorrow and distress were the feelings leading my life. I was not able to find out an acceptable explanation for such an unfair loss. And this was the precise moment when I realized I was immersed into a deep depression. 
Still, I had my own life and many reasons to keep on living.... 
My family, my daughter, my boyfriend, my profession were there to give me the strenght necessary to get up in the mornings and live life as I used to.
Of course it took time, it still takes time. I think I haven't overcome her loss, but I'm on the way. 
For those who are in the deepest of sorrows I want to share what helped me continue on despite the difficult times. 
After searching the web trying to find a relief to my grief, I came across a web page called HELPGUIDE. Not only do people find answers there to different questions they may have, but they also find the reasons, consequences and some pieces of advice related to the situation they're going through. Surprisingly, there was described what I was experiencing.
I want to share what I CONSIDER CAN HELP YOU.
According to this site (and something I consider important to acknowledge) "grief is a natural response to a loss". A person who undergoes this kind of emotion should know that it is normal to feel in that way. Besides, as the process of grieving varies from person to person, it is also said that it depends on many factors such as personality, coping styles, life experiences, faith and the nature of the loss. What matters here is that a person may grieve differently from other people, but this is completely normal. Other aspects to take into account are:
  • Under no circumstances should people hide their suffering. In order to heal the pain a person needs to face it and actively handle it.
  • Sadness, fear, and loneliness are natural in the healing process. They should not be hidden.
  • Although crying is a normal reaction to grief, there are people who do not cry and may be suffering in the same way. Both ways may express the same kind of pain.
  • The time a person takes for grieving is not certain. It depends on individual factors.
This page suggests that there are stages of grief. This is based on an investigation made by a psychiatrist named Elisabeth Kübler-Ross who specifically says that there are "five stages of grief":

  • Denial: "This can't be happening to me."
  • Anger: "Why is this happening? Who is to blame?"
  • Bargaining: "Make this not happen, and in return I will."
  • Depression: "I'm too sad to do anything."
  • Acceptance: "I'm at peace with what happened."
What is important to acknowledge about this is that not all people go through each stage. Neither do they experience it in the same order or way. These are just general stages that people undergo after suffering a loss (data based on the Kübler-Ross studies). People should experience each stage (in the case they do) knowing they are normal and consciously deal with them.
Last,but not least, the site provides some pieces of advice on the way to cope with grief and loss. There are two of them that helped me the most.

On the one hand it is determining to have support from many sources. Either the support from the family or friends or the support provided by the faith, a therapist or a counselor can be very helpful for the process of healing. People should not alienate themselves from the rest just because they do not want to show themselves weak. Putting into words emotions and feelings is the best way to start recovering from grief.
On the other hand, taking care of themselves must be people's priority. In order to do this, they should face their feelings, express them openly and look out for their physical health. Some suggestions are: write a journal about the loss, write a letter, make a scrapbook or photo album of that beloved person. In order to combat stress it is recommendable to get enough sleep, eat well and exercise. The process of healing starts with the care of oneself.

REMEMBER THIS: a big loss may be difficult to comprehend. You may also feel overwhelmed by the situation. But your family and friends are there to help you continue on living the life we are born to live. You should try to find out valuable reasons and live in peace with yourself.  

To end up  this post I would like to share this quote of unknown author. Hope it helps you as much as it helped me.  

This is dedicated to your memory, VANI. I miss you a lot!


domingo, 1 de marzo de 2015


Argentinean Education in Crisis.

During the last twenty years it can be said that EDUCATION in ARGENTINA has been submerged into a DEEP CRISIS. Although some sources claim that this country owns a high rate of literacy (compared to other countries in Latin American), it is true that economic and social factors have made the quality of education decay. Teachers' poor salaries, violence inside the classroom, parents with low salaries and insufficient educational policies have emphasized this trend. What is more, the economic instability the country has suffered during the last decades left it unable to tackle the educational crisis with the suitable weapons. Even when education is considered a powerful instrument to overcome the current situation, the Argentinean government fails in providing their children with the education they deserve.
The FOUNDATION for SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT published an article where they state that although the 97% of  Argentinean people are literate there is an important absence of educational support for children in need. In this site it is also said that the economic crisis left families with poor living conditions and educational support. In order to counteract this tendency some policies were taken. Food kitchens and shelters were developed to provide basic needs. As a consequence, it is believed that parents send their children to school just because they are fed there, but not because they value the education their children receive.But the question is: is it POSITIVE or NEGATIVE? 
Considering PUBLIC SCHOOLS just as places to go and be fed and taken in IS A CATASTROPHE. The government together with the society are in the profound need of getting back the importance of schools as places where children go and develop their potential. Education gives them the opportunity to grow not only in intelligence but also as a member of society. A person highly educated knows what is fair and what is unfair. What their rights are, and what they deserve as a member of society. But most of all  "EDUCATION is an EMANCIPATORY FORCE". Corrupt governments can not play around with societies of educated people simply because they are aware of it. 

Teacher union strikes are habitual pictures in the Argentinean newspapers when the school year is about to start. Each year it's the same: students do not know if they will start the school year because teachers have not received what they demand. Along with the problems with the buildings and overcrowded schools, teachers' salaries have proved to be weaknesses in the government's performance. 
Governments of different provinces have invested part of the available budget in technology and social programmes such as giving students netbooks and food allowances for each of them. Still, there is a great consensus in the fact that these measures result not sufficient to overcome the situation inside the classrooms. Beyond the need for educational support lies the urgent need of emotional guidance and sometimes psychological sustainance ("Youth, Education and Development issues in Argentina" para. 3). 

All in all it is important to highlight the biggest truth behind this quandary: EDUCATION IS THE MOST IMPORTANT ISSUE IN THE GOVERMENT'S AGENDA. Let's command them to provide our children with the EDUCATION THEY DESERVE.  
 To end up this post I would like to share this image which depicts what Education should be for all societies:

  • http://www.fsdinternational.org/country/argentina/yeissues
  • http://www.educationincrisis.net/blog/item/1195-the-clash-of-education-visions
  • http://www.argentinaindependent.com/currentaffairs/analysis/the-social-mobility-paradox-and-the-educational-crisis-in-argentina/
Images URL: 
  • http://thyblackman.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/education-crisis-2014.jpg
  • http://www.dw.de/image/0,,15922692_401,00.jpg
  • http://a57.foxnews.com/global.fncstatic.com/static/managed/img/fn-latino/news/660/371/UC-Davis.jpg?ve=1&tl=1
  • http://www.argentinaindependent.com/wp-content/uploads/School-Protest-by-Beatrice-Murch1.jpg
  • http://www.chicoverdose.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/nelson-mandela-and-education.jpg

miércoles, 18 de febrero de 2015


 France once again has been the victim of a massacre perpetuated by two men of apparently Islamic background. The attack was produced in the offices of Charlie Habdo, a satirical magazine which mocks at different religions and politic sectors as well as well-known figures. Twelve people were killed in the episode being four of them magazine's cartoonists and two police officers. The impact of this event was massive around the world, and different political leaders expressed their rejection to this terrorist act. Not only did the whole French society feel this attack as one more expression of hatred towards them, but also it is noticed that discrimination and rejection of Muslims will increase with this episode.

Due to the fact that the French government do not ask the population about their religious beliefs it is not possible to have an approximant number of the Muslim population in the country. Yet, some research say that 3.5-5 million people are Muslims living in France which represents 6.0-8.5 percent of the total French population. This information tells us that the Islam is an important religion inside the country. But it is important to highlight the fact that Muslims are a minority that suffers from segregation in different sectors of society. According to some studies, Muslims and people from other ethnic groups are more likely to be unemployed. One of the factors of this problem is that most of them do not have access to a good quality of education. To make a general picture of the situation, in this country the disadvantages Muslims face day by day are prominent.

What happened last January 7 in France increased the popular rejection towards those who are extremist followers of the Islam religion. The satirical magazine Charlie Habdo is part of the French cultural tradition. According to the BBC News Europe the tradition of the magazine combines "left-wing radicalism with a provocative scurrility that often borders on the obscene". The cover of the magazine showing Muhammad, the Muslim Prophet, was what apparently triggered the hatred of these extremists.      
This is not the first time these fundamentalist groups attack Charlie Habdo's offices since the magazine has been receiving threats since 2006. Terrorists are mostly followers of the Fundamentalist Islam. Still, it is important to say that these groups are not representatives of the Islam but a group of people who misinterpret what the Co'ran preaches. This is the reason why not all Muslims are to be treated as terrorists or fundamentalists. France is in need of new social policies related to the inclusion of the Muslim population to the society so as to stop with the discrimination and segregation they suffer day by day. Hatred can be avoided through allowing them to be part of the society.