Reasons to start READING NOW!
Well-known as it may be, books are useful and enjoyable. But many scientific studies have demonstrated it is not just that simple. Among several reasons, there are five that I have personally experienced, and they have demonstrated to be feasible for many other people.
First, it has been proved that reading regularly increases intelligence and expands the vocabulary. Dr. Seuss said: "The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." According the University of California, Berkeley, books for children expose kids to 50 percent more words than TV, or even a conversation between college graduates. What is more, this study also states that the exposure to new vocabulary leads to higher scores on general tests of intelligence. In this way, by reading regularly a person not only acquires new information and expands their knowledge, but they also maximize their opportunities to be successful at school and even at university.
Third, another research suggests that reading may help people relax and reduce their stress levels. A cognitive neuropsychologist, David Lewis, told the magazine the Telegraph that: "It really doesn't matter what book you read, by losing yourself in a thoroughly engrossing book you can escape from the worries and stresses of everyday world and spend a while exploring the domain of the author's imagination". In this way Lewis states that reading books leads people to left the concerns of life aside for a while, and to enjoy an activity that is advantageous in many aspects. Should you ever have the opportunity to read a book, you'll be immersed in the most captivating of the alternative reality.
Fourth, the habit of reading develops the analytical thinking skills. Some studies suggest that by analyzing a novel, for example, a person evaluates the plot, if the work is well-written, whether the characters were properly developed, if the story line ran smoothly, among other aspects. In this way, this person cultivates and improves his/her analytical ability and capacity and therefore, in case of being involved in a discussion or debate in relation to a piece of writing, s/he will be able to state a solid position and communicate opinions clearly taking into account all the aspects involved.
Last but not least, reading is a great source for taking an insight into different cultures that are unknown as well as for opening the mind up to new ways of thinking, perceiving and doing things, according to some web sites. Exploring new cultures offers the opportunity to get different perspectives of how people live, think and act. As a consequence, a person may find solutions to problems they mayn't have thought of. In this way, the mind is opened to acquire different points of view about situations that can become later alternatives to everyday problems.
Whenever the talk about reading comes up at lunch time, in the car, or even during family meetings, give those who haven't explore the wonderful world books these five reasons to start reading right now! It increases intelligence, keeps the brain active, reduces stress, develops analytical skills and opens up the mind to new perspectives. Five suitable and trustworthy arguments that may convince anyone about the real benefits of reading books.